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Quarterly Report

What to Expect in Q1, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

by Sam Manzella

January 28, 2025

Astrology. Love it or hate it, it’s immensely popular, and when it’s done best, it’s backed by rigorous technique. Astrology also has an enduring stronghold in the world of business and financial strategy. (To paraphrase a quote that’s often attributed to J.P. Morgan: millionaires don’t use astrology. Billionaires do.)

As an astrologer, I’m personally less interested in using this tool to maximize profits and more interested in assessing which periods of time are best for certain ventures. For instance, you’ve probably noticed that Q1 has felt a bit, ahem… sluggish. We entered the new year in the thick of a Mars retrograde, signaling setbacks, delays, and a return to old projects versus the launching of new ones. The tide is beginning to turn now—we’re nearing the end of Mars retrograde, and Aquarius season—which began on January 19—supports innovation and creative problem-solving. And then come March, we’ll be in for some soul-searching as Venus and Mercury station retrograde.
TL;DR: Don’t plan to make huge strides this quarter. It’s a season for honest self-reflection, getting your priorities straight, and making peace with slow or nonlinear progress.
How will this play out for your zodiac sign? Keep reading to find out. If you’re familiar with your full astrological chart (you can generate yours here), read for your Rising sign. If not, your Sun sign will tell you plenty about what’s in store.
Best of luck this quarter, and check back here in April for your Q2 report.
Aries & Aries Rising
Key themes: Personal challenges, work-life balance, self-reflection
Your quarter got off to a slow start, Aries. Whether you’ve been busy putting out fires in your personal life or simply too drained to get much done, your professional goals have probably taken a backseat. That’s about to change as we get deeper into February—expect to feel more energized and motivated in all areas of life, like you finally got your mojo back.
Come March, though? Your season is arriving, and you’re in for some self-reflection. Does your self-talk need some work? What about your relationships or money-management skills? Be honest about what has to change (with yourself and with others), but don’t throw tact out the window. On that note: Throughout March, you’ll want to be extra cognizant of how you communicate. Avoid rushing through important conversations or blurting things out impulsively, and consult your calendar before saying “yes” to invites.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Key themes: Career innovation, community, self-care
Aquarius season (January 19 – February 18) is all about career innovation for you, Taurus—you’ll be locked in and laser-focused on your professional goals. Consider updating your business strategy or experimenting with your leadership style at work. Starting in February, you’ll have better luck in the money department, too.
The catch? Once March rolls around, you’ll be slowing down and reflecting on your values and self-care needs. This will likely be a window when your need for R&R or friend time outweighs your desire to hustle (I know, I know… that’s probably not what you hoped to hear from a business reading). Instead of making big moves, focus on taking more time to yourself, revisiting old projects, and reconnecting with people who fill your cup. Work will be there when you’re ready.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Key themes: Mental clarity, professional growth, community
Good news, Gemini—if you’ve been feeling stagnant, mentally scattered, or uncertain about your next big move, the path forward will become clearer in early February. It’s teeing you up nicely for Pisces season (February 19 – March 20). Your professional ambitions and leadership roles will be top of mind for you during this time, and you’ll have the faith in yourself and your big-picture vision (or visions, plural) to make waves.
There is a caveat, though: Mercury retrograde, which begins on March 15 and lasts until early Q2, looms. Be mindful of what you broadcast in group settings. Nobody wants to be the person who overshares on Slack or makes promises they can’t keep. While you’re at it, take some time to think about your friendships and professional connections. Does your community reflect your values, or is there a disconnect? If you’re feeling siloed, maybe it’s time to network or join a coworking space.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Key themes: Personal challenges, work-life balance, career trajectory
It’s time to accept your limits, Cancer. Whether you’ve been dealing with health issues or burnout, you probably began Q1 feeling exhausted and were forced to make some changes. Expect fewer personal setbacks as we get deeper into February. Come March, you’ll be reflecting on what you truly want out of your career and leadership roles. Aries season (March 21 – April 19) will double down on that. Can you rise to the occasion without it jeopardizing your work-life balance? Don’t be surprised if you have a change of heart about your business strategy or where you’re headed professionally. If you need advice, reconnect with an old manager or mentor.
In March, be extra mindful of your communication in professional settings—with Mercury retrograde at play, you could get wires crossed with your boss or send a sensitive email to the wrong person. Jot down March 29 on your calendar, too. The solar eclipse in Aries will punctuate any big career changes you’ve been contemplating or working toward.

Leo & Leo Rising

Key themes: Self-care, working relationships, collaboration
Hate to say it, Leo, but this quarter is your crash course in the importance of self-care. If you’ve been deprioritizing sleep or restorative time to yourself so you can burn the midnight oil, you’re being challenged to change your ways. As we near the end of February, you’ll have an easier time juggling your ambitions with your personal needs.
Throughout Aquarius season (January 19 – February 18), relationships will be a major focus for you. If you collaborate with a business partner or work directly with clients, expect to dedicate more of your time and mental energy to these relationships, and again once Venus retrograde enters the picture in March. Former teachers, mentors, or investors could make a reappearance in your life this month, too. And if you’re still valuing the hustle over your own well-being? You’ll get a cosmic check-in courtesy of the solar eclipse at the very end of the quarter.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Keywords: Daily work obligations, close relationships, self-reflection
Your relationships and work responsibilities are about to take up more of your mental real estate, Virgo. Come February, you’ll have better luck in your career and may receive new professional opportunities. Aquarius season (January 19 – February 18) will inspire some practical innovations in your work routines, too. Maybe you’ll experiment with a new workflow or delegating different tasks to your direct reports.
Here’s where things get trickier: In March, you’ll begin to reflect on your joint ventures and collaborations (at work and in your personal life). Are the two of you building on a foundation of shared ideals? Ask the hard questions, and make sure your heart is really in this. Don’t be surprised if a former business partner or investor reaches out to you, either. You’ll want to mind the details this quarter, though—with Mercury retrograde entering the picture in March, read the fine print on any and all work documents, client contracts, and financial paperwork.

Libra & Libra Rising

Key themes: Career setbacks, collaboration, self-reflection
Career-wise, this quarter has been a slow burn for you, Libra. Whether you’ve been dealing with frustrating delays on a big project, recurring conflict with your manager, or a slow season for your industry, you’re probably feeling a bit… over it, to put it mildly. As we get deeper into February, expect more traction in your career and working relationships, or at least a better idea of the path forward.
Once March arrives, you’ll be reflecting on your values, committed relationships, and capacity for collaboration (at work and off the clock). Deep down, what do you really want? This is a season for self-reflecting and leaning on others, so don’t force yourself to grind; give yourself time and space to introspect, and don’t be surprised if you get contacted by a former client, business partner, or professional collaborator. Maybe wait until Q2 to ink a new contract or get back into business with someone, though—we’ve got a Mercury retrograde coming up in March, which suggests hiccups or mix-ups. At minimum, read the fine print, and run it by your lawyer.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Key themes: Slow-and-steady growth, daily bandwidth, personal priorities
If life has felt super stagnant lately, that’s changing soon, Scorpio. Come February, you’ll have an easier time being productive and juggling your various responsibilities inside and outside of work. By the end of the month, the pace will pick back up in earnest, and you’ll notice more momentum in your career and mentor-mentee relationships. There is a catch, though: Beginning in March, you’ll be pushed to reassess your bandwidth. Do you have enough physical energy or room in your schedule to dedicate to the people and projects that bring you joy? If not, consider reworking your calendar or delegating some of your responsibilities.
It’s the perfect segue into Aries season (March 21 – April 19), which ups the ante in your day-to-day work life. You’ll be getting down to business, plus or minus a few snags in the communication or scheduling department. Proofread important emails, and keep a close eye on your calendar so you don’t miss any appointments or deadlines.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Key themes: Everyday routines, professional and investor relationships, career shake-ups
It’s looking like an eventful quarter for you, Sag. When February comes along, your pace of life is picking back up, big time: Expect clarity on which collaborations (personal and professional) are worth pursuing. If you’ve struggled to secure outside funding for one of your passion projects, that may change for the better later next month. Aquarius season (January 19 – February 18) will highlight your daily routines and communication habits, too. Consider experimenting with how you structure your time at work or relay information to your team.
All of the above comes with a caveat, though. The lunar eclipse on March 14 could shake things up in your professional life—maybe your company will have a restructuring, or a client will back out of a big project at the last minute. This is connected to a series of changes in your career that will unfold over the next 18 months, so take mental notes, and if you feel overwhelmed, focus on what you can control. Also, be cognizant of your communication with any creative or romantic partners in your life. Think things through before committing, even if their offer sounds fun or enticing.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Key themes: Relationship challenges, daily routines and environment, work-life balance
If your coworker, client, or investor relationships have felt unusually strained this quarter, blame Mars retrograde—it’s been kicking up the dust and creating challenges since late last year. Thankfully, that will change in late February. Expect fewer big egos and more emphasis on genuine collaboration. And until then? Keep your head down and your eyes on the prize.
During Pisces season (February 19 – March 20), you’ll be thinking long and hard about your daily routines, immediate environment, and any writing projects on your plate. Consider sprucing up your office or mixing up when and where you work. In March, your work-life balance will come into focus, too. Where does your personal life rank on your list of priorities? Use the remainder of Q1 to clarify your values and reallocate your time. Just beware of double-booking yourself, rushing through big conversations, or making promises you can’t keep to your loved ones—Mercury retrograde could make communication a bit sloppier.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Key themes: Bandwidth issues, finances, personal priorities
If you’ve been burning the candle on both ends to meet deadlines, then I’ve got good news, Aquarius: That’s about to change. Since the quarter began, you’ve been dealing with health problems, bandwidth issues, or obstacles at work that likely impacted your productivity. As we get further into Q1, you’ll encounter fewer hurdles and more forward movement as you chip away at projects.
Pisces season (February 19 – March 20) will shine a light on your resources. Are you happy with your current financial situation or where you’re allocating your time? If not, brainstorm some creative ways to diversify your income streams or reconfigure your schedule. It’s time to get clear on your priorities and restructure your life accordingly. Also relevant for March: Backup your devices, double check your timesheets, and budget extra travel time for your AM commute.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Key themes: Financial growth, self-reflection, personal priorities
Money matters will be a recurring theme for you this quarter, Pisces. In February, you’ll gain some clarity on your work-life balance and may earn more money, perhaps through a lucrative investment or collaborative project. The tone might change a bit in March, though—essentially, you’ll get nudged to reevaluate your priorities. At this moment, what matters most to you? Is it time to adjust your personal finance strategy or rethink where you’re investing your time and energy? It’s totally valid if hustling to pad your bank account is your primary focus right now, but it’s also valid if it’s not.
One more heads-up for March: Mercury retrograde will increase the likelihood of mix-ups and miscommunications, particularly surrounding your work or finances. Do yourself a favor and double check any invoices, timesheets, or expense reports before you hit “submit.”